Friday, February 13, 2009

Part One #2 (emily infante)

Is imperialism inevitable? Will /should we ever strive for power and wealth?

Imperialism isn’t inevitable if you have a strong government and strong economic stability. We should strive for power and wealth but the legal way. Why do I say this? Well because in history there have been many countries that have wanted to strive for power and wealth illegally. For example Great Britain they tried to imperialize Africa but for the raw materials so they can continue industrialization. They went to Africa and just took over the land like if it was theirs.


  1. We agree with you... Imperialism isn't inevitable if you have a strong government and strong economic stability. If other coutries want to have resources that don't belong to them and another country has this resource, this two countries should trade and not kill each other for their resources. Trading is the best way to strive for power and wealth.

    Deya and Betty ♥

  2. first of all i like ur blog!! :p

    What you mean when countries with greater power took control illegaly?

    Countries that imperialize dont ask the colonies to give them permission to take over. The mother country has the military power and econmical power to take control of the country, and since the colony dont have a sufficient way to defend themselves it makes it easier for the mother country to conquer. I guess what your trying to say is that it's not fare for other countries to take a terretory that is not of their possesion. However, there's always going to be inequality in the world, and the the strong would most likely dominate the weak. But as it's proven in history countries like Haiti that are not so develop have been able to gain independence

  3. Can you elaborate on why you believe that imperialism is inevitable? I believe that imperialism can be avoided and am interested in knowing why you believe that it may be.

  4. I agree with you why don't you make your country full of wealth and power with legal rights because then you won't have to fight for something that is yours. Nice point. VERY NICE!!!!
